Arone Meeks
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Arone Meeks, born in 1957 and traditionally from Laura, was a Cairns based artist of both national and international repute. He sadly suddenly passed away 5th May 2021 in Cairns. Arone was an Australian national treasure who was an inspirational creative genius with a wonderful passionate gentle soul. He will be greatly missed.
His new series of works explore spirituality as a merging of both the traditional and contemporary through paint and print. For Arone, his new series of works forges the connection between intellect, spirit, man and environment.
Arone Meeks' Spirit Ark and Singing up Country are a series of Monoprints using Sakura oil based inks on Arches paper.
Arone Meeks has exhibited extensively since 1984 and his works are held in collections around the world including the National Gallery of Australia - Canberra, the Gallery of Modern Art - Brisbane, the National Gallery of Japan, the Bromberg Collection - Cincinatti and the Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris.
Né en 1957 à Laura, en tant qu'artiste, Arone Meeks s'est installé à Cairns où il joui d'une réputation tant nationale qu'internationale. Ses nouvelles séries d'oeuvres explorent la spiritualité en mélangeant le traditionnel et le contemporain par la peinture et la lithographie. Aux yeux d'Arone, cette nouvelle série d'oeuvres forgent le lien entre l'intelligence, l'âme, l'homme et l'environnent.
De nombreuses expositions des oeuvres d'Arone Meeks ont eu lieu depuis 1984 et ses tableaux font partie de collections dans le monde entier, dont la National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, la Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane, la National Gallery of Japan, la Collection Bromberg, Cincinatti et la Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris.
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