Whiskey Tjukangku
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Whiskey Tjukangku was born in 1939. He grew up in both Ernabella and De Rose Hill. He never went to school. As a little boy, he couldn't say his Aboriginal name, so one day, he got a new name: he went on a walking trip with Eric and a camel on their way to Tyrone Downs Station; he got his name "Whiskey" from Eric whose camel had that name! As a young boy, he worked on a cattle station then as a teenager, Whiskey worked with the cattle in other stations doing mustering and trucking them ready for travel. He married on Granite Downs and had 5 children.
Whiskey Tjunkangku was the first man to paint at Iwantja Arts in South Australia and continues to enjoy painting. He says he remembers culture designs that no one else knows.
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